Friday, June 20, 2008

Nothings New

I knew I would start this blog with every intention to update a little bit every day. It seems like nothing much happens and so there is nothing to write about. When I don't write for a few days then its hard to start writing again. Still nothing has really happened though.
Let's car is inoperable! My ac has been broken since last summer and so we finally decided to do something about that. John is a great mechanic and I cannot tell you how much money he has saved me on my car! Especially on labor charges. The only problem is that since he's not a full time mechanic it has to be done in his spare time and he doesn't have a whole lot of spare time! To get to my ac he had to take apart half of my car! Once he got it apart and was ready to put the new compressor on we ran in to a few problems. We found out that we would need a few more parts and they had to be ordered. They should be in today hopefully but we have to wait for the parts and wait for the rain to stop and John to have time, so right now my car is in pieces. Half the parts that go under the hood are in my trunk! haha I'm just so grateful to have someone that can help with this, even if it takes a while. I know it's a hard job and it takes a lot of time!
So what else is new? Not very much. Yesterday was kind of eventful. John and I were busy trying to track down some little parts that we needed, like a couple bolts and washers and this pigtail thing and even the simple things to get were hard to find. It took me 3 auto part stores before I found one that had the right size bolt! Seriously! So then we had ballgames to go to. In fact we were so busy that John didn't have time to get all his laundry finished before the game so he had his game shorts and socks in his window on the way to the game hoping that they would dry in time! haha I found out a few minutes before we left that they were going to need me to play. I always find out they need me to play right after I've gotten done eating a big meal! So I did play and I think I had my very first RBI! Ok so maybe I didn't make it to 1st lol but it was a sacrifice for the run! We lost though so everyone was sad or mad or whatever but I was still pretty pumped that I had an RBI. So we were supposed to sit out a game and then play another one but while we were waiting it started to rain. They eventually called a delay and thought the rain would clear up in a minute but it just poured harder. It really started coming down so they called the games. There was a guy there though that John has played with for a long time and plays on several of his teams this year. He still plays on a lot of other teams too though. So he had another game to go to at a different park so a few of us decided we would go watch them. Then he tells me that they needed another girl so he wanted me to go and play, why he would want me to play I have no clue! I thought for sure that the game would be rained out too. In Jeffersonville it poured and poured hard! Yet in Clarksville at the other park it wasn't even sprinkling! It was crazy! When I got there they told me that they would just need me to hit, be dh or ah, whatever you want to call it. That was scary! First of all batting is my least favorite part of the game and I was playing with a whole bunch of people that I didn't know. I didn't really enjoy myself very much! lol And of course John and BB were there to sit and watch and taunt me. It was the first time that John has ever just watched me play though, either I'm watching him or he is playing too. It was kind of funny to see the roles reversed.
Today I had plans to go to Shelly's in the morning when Scott left for work. To be honest I completely forgot until she text me to see if I was still going to come. So I brought lunch and we ate and listen to Emma ramble on and on and entertain us. Boy is she a talker! Too bad we can't really understand too much. I went with the intention to help Shelly pack and get a lot done! I didn't pack a single thing! I felt so bad, I asked her what she wanted me to do but really I just made sure the girls didn't kill anyone while she got some things done. Before I left she said that she really did get a lot done so I was glad for that, even though I didn't really do anything. I can see why she would have problems trying to get things packed and keep an eye on the girls. Emma wants to help but really that just means everything Shelly packs Emma unpacks! I packed her in a box and pushed her around the apartment though. She really liked that, which turned out to be a bit of a problem because it was very tiring! Oh well, the girls had fun and I had fun and Shelly said she got a lot done so overall I think it was a productive afternoon over there!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

you have to have something to update!! Any progress with school? Still looking for a job? Playing a lot of softball?

Write something!!!!!!!!!