Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I haven't written in a few days so you'd think I'd have tons to say. Really, I don't have much to say at all. Let's see....On Sunday I went to John's softball game and ended up playing, even though my sunburn still hurt pretty badly. It wasn't too bad. It was incredibly hot though and being in the hot makes the burn sting even more. It was good to be active though. The burn still hurts a little and it's definitely still red but it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did in the beginning. Sunday night I went to Tasha's and swam for a little bit. The cool water felt so nice on the burn. We didn't stay in there for a long time though because it was dark so we actually got kind of cold. Plus it was a busy busy night for a friend that also came and we had a lot to talk about with her. I stayed at Tasha's but we didn't get much sleep. We had to be up super early Monday morning too cause she had somewhere to go and wanted me to go with her. I went even though I was exhausted. When we got back to her house we decided to go back to sleep but that plan failed. It seemed like if her phone wasn't ringing then mine was. Someone literally called every 5 mins or so. The phones finally stopped and we got some sleep but it was getting kind of late in the day. I went home to shower and get ready for the day and before I knew it it was almost 4:00pm. I went to Kim's house to pick up my mom who had been borrowing their car. Then I took my mom to Bales so that she could get a loaner car. Thankfully Kim let her borrow theirs for the weekend since Bales was already closed. My mom just bought her car and has already had so many problems with it. Luckily they are taking care of it and have been able to provide her with loaner cars but its been quite a mess. Hopefully the problem is minor. They attach these boxes in the car and when a payment is due the box will flash red to let you know how many days you have to pay it. Once you pay it they give you a code to type into the box. If you don't make your payment on time then the box disables your car, not allowing you to start it. There haven't been any lapses in payment but we think and hope the problem is just that the box is malfunctioning. There doesn't appear to be any problems with the car except when she tries to start it it did absolutely nothing. She had someone look at it though just to give her an idea and they didn't find anything but looked at the wiring of the box and said its very possible that that is the problem. Hopefully they will know something soon and she can get her car back. Then Monday night I went to another softball game! After that John and I went out to eat with Matt and Tasha. We went to Denny's and although our waitress was extremely rude and paid no attention to us, the food was pretty good, or maybe I was just that hungry. Then we played the wii for a while. We said we weren't going to talk about this but I find it pretty humorous....We played an archery game and the girls kicked butt! I won the first game and Tasha was 2nd and then Tasha won the 2nd game and I was 2nd. Then we played a figure skating game! It was my idea just because I was so curious how you would figure skate with the wii. There are little cirlces on the ice that you follow and every circle you hit gives you more points. You use a joystick to guide you. Then there are some bigger circles and when you reach those you pull up on your wii remote and if your timing is right then you do some kind of trick. It was pretty funny to watch. The funniest part though, the boys owned the girls! A manly sport like archery and the girls take the cake but figure skating and the boys dominated. Looks like I had a few things to say after all.
Oh, and the job search continues with little progress!

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