Wednesday, June 4, 2008

In The Beginning

Alright, if every one of my posts starts off the way this one has I will never get anything written. I've already written and deleted almost ten beginning sentences. I've always worried so much about my school work and trying to do my best that I wanted this blog to be something that would reflect that. I tried to think of a poetic way to start the blog, or at least a beginning sentence that would make me sound really smart but all that did was stress me out. I thought blogs were supposed to be a place to relieve you of your stress, not cause more! I've already reread what I've written almost twenty times just to check for spelling or gramatical errors. This is going to be a blog about RELAXING! Sometimes I swear my brother got all the laid back genes and I'm stuck with all the stress genes. I'm going to use this blog to vent a little, talk about my stresses, and post whats going on so that I can keep in touch through this.
So, whats been going on with me lately, you ask?
I am currently jobless which has been wonderful and horrible. The wonderful aspects are that I don't have to wake up early, or stay up later than I want to compensate for the time of day I missed, and I don't have to miss out on anything going on because of schedule conflicts. Of course the main horrible aspect is that money continues to leave my bank account while none is going into it. I've applied a few places because the reality of real life and needs has hit me, as much as I'd like to ignore it and live in my fantasy world I have to be a little realistic. I feel like a lost puppy though. Searching for jobs is not something I'm accustomed to. I started working at Skip Jacks when I was 15 and I didn't search for that. It was the place all the youth at my church worked so when I was 15 and of legal age, it was my turn. I loved the work environment there! My boss was a wonderful christian and the people I worked with were all friends of mine. I stayed there for a long time because I grew so attached and never had a reason to leave. Another opportunity became available for me to babysit, the only other job I've ever known. I've been doing that for forever. While most kids still had babysitters I became one. The transition was not difficult at all because like I said, I knew it. I've had so many side babysitting jobs and have done some for entire summers. This seemed right up my alley. It turned out to be quite a dramatic change though. It was very early in the morning and I'm not really a morning person. At Skip Jacks my days were a little spread out and I usually got a couple days off during the week. The babysitting job was 6:45am-4:00pm Monday through Friday. That was actually pretty ideal for me though, or so I thought. I found that taking care of any business I had was difficult because it seemed most places I needed to be would close by the time I got off or shortly after. Some of the days could go by so slow because its the same thing every day. As the weather got nicer I could take the kids outside and that helped pass some time. The father of the family is a school teacher though and has the summer off though so it seemed time to move on. I asked my boss at Skip Jacks how they were doing and although he offered to give me some hours there I realized that they are doing quite fine. For me to take hours there would be to take them away from someone who wants them. I don't want to be the big bad wolf that walks in and takes some kids hours that is trying to save for his first car. I left for another opportunity and that wouldn't be fair of me. I've applied a few places but no luck so far. I'd like to stick with something during the day though which could be difficult to find. I'm finding that life as an "adult" is not all its cracked up to be. It's a little bit HARD! It was much easier when I had someone to tell me exactly what to do and when to do it. Now its up to me if I find time to apply and its up to me to find the places to apply...thats hard. And this is JUST THE BEGINNING!


Shelly said...

LOL! I got all of your facebook messages! Don't worry so much about your grammer. Just chill out and write stuff.

Anonymous said...

Searching for a job does really stink. I'm sure God will put you where He wants you. Maybe you could try a temp agency to see what kind of work you like?

Oh and don't worry about things on the blog - that's the best part about it, you don't have to stress out over grammar and form!!