Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I stayed up way too late last night working on this new blog thing. In return I slept in way too late! To compensate for that I decided to get a few things accomplished. My mom was at work with my car since her's isn't working at the moment. I couldn't leave to do the errands that I needed so I cleaned. It's my moms birthday today so I figured the least I could do was clean up a few things. I cranked up the radio and really got a lot done. You probably wouldn't even notice but I even got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed the kitchen floor. There were some sticky spots so I scrubbed. I got the stuff on the outside cleaned, meaning the kitchen, living room, and dining room. My room is still another story. I've been doing so well lately at keeping my room pretty clean. While my family was in town my grandma and her boyfriend brought John's birthday present. My grandma's boyfriend made him a set of cornhole boards. They're actually very nice, blue and white, Colt's colors with Colt's stickers on them. John's a huge Colt's fan so he loved them. The only problem, they're HUGE! They are all regulation so they don't bend in the middle like a lot of them do for easy transportation. They won't fit in John's car and they won't fit in mine so they've been stuck in my room. John's roomate has a truck and is supposed to come pick them up soon. I can't wait until he does so I can have my room back. Then I think I'll care a little bit more about keeping it organized.
Anyway, another productive thing I did today was upload photos. My friends and family kept wondering when I was going to put pictures from graduation up so today I got my graduation photos loaded to my facebook and myspace. Check them out. Some are pretty funny!!!!!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

you have a blog too! how exciting!

congrats on graduating! Sorry I missed it : (