Friday, June 20, 2008

Nothings New

I knew I would start this blog with every intention to update a little bit every day. It seems like nothing much happens and so there is nothing to write about. When I don't write for a few days then its hard to start writing again. Still nothing has really happened though.
Let's car is inoperable! My ac has been broken since last summer and so we finally decided to do something about that. John is a great mechanic and I cannot tell you how much money he has saved me on my car! Especially on labor charges. The only problem is that since he's not a full time mechanic it has to be done in his spare time and he doesn't have a whole lot of spare time! To get to my ac he had to take apart half of my car! Once he got it apart and was ready to put the new compressor on we ran in to a few problems. We found out that we would need a few more parts and they had to be ordered. They should be in today hopefully but we have to wait for the parts and wait for the rain to stop and John to have time, so right now my car is in pieces. Half the parts that go under the hood are in my trunk! haha I'm just so grateful to have someone that can help with this, even if it takes a while. I know it's a hard job and it takes a lot of time!
So what else is new? Not very much. Yesterday was kind of eventful. John and I were busy trying to track down some little parts that we needed, like a couple bolts and washers and this pigtail thing and even the simple things to get were hard to find. It took me 3 auto part stores before I found one that had the right size bolt! Seriously! So then we had ballgames to go to. In fact we were so busy that John didn't have time to get all his laundry finished before the game so he had his game shorts and socks in his window on the way to the game hoping that they would dry in time! haha I found out a few minutes before we left that they were going to need me to play. I always find out they need me to play right after I've gotten done eating a big meal! So I did play and I think I had my very first RBI! Ok so maybe I didn't make it to 1st lol but it was a sacrifice for the run! We lost though so everyone was sad or mad or whatever but I was still pretty pumped that I had an RBI. So we were supposed to sit out a game and then play another one but while we were waiting it started to rain. They eventually called a delay and thought the rain would clear up in a minute but it just poured harder. It really started coming down so they called the games. There was a guy there though that John has played with for a long time and plays on several of his teams this year. He still plays on a lot of other teams too though. So he had another game to go to at a different park so a few of us decided we would go watch them. Then he tells me that they needed another girl so he wanted me to go and play, why he would want me to play I have no clue! I thought for sure that the game would be rained out too. In Jeffersonville it poured and poured hard! Yet in Clarksville at the other park it wasn't even sprinkling! It was crazy! When I got there they told me that they would just need me to hit, be dh or ah, whatever you want to call it. That was scary! First of all batting is my least favorite part of the game and I was playing with a whole bunch of people that I didn't know. I didn't really enjoy myself very much! lol And of course John and BB were there to sit and watch and taunt me. It was the first time that John has ever just watched me play though, either I'm watching him or he is playing too. It was kind of funny to see the roles reversed.
Today I had plans to go to Shelly's in the morning when Scott left for work. To be honest I completely forgot until she text me to see if I was still going to come. So I brought lunch and we ate and listen to Emma ramble on and on and entertain us. Boy is she a talker! Too bad we can't really understand too much. I went with the intention to help Shelly pack and get a lot done! I didn't pack a single thing! I felt so bad, I asked her what she wanted me to do but really I just made sure the girls didn't kill anyone while she got some things done. Before I left she said that she really did get a lot done so I was glad for that, even though I didn't really do anything. I can see why she would have problems trying to get things packed and keep an eye on the girls. Emma wants to help but really that just means everything Shelly packs Emma unpacks! I packed her in a box and pushed her around the apartment though. She really liked that, which turned out to be a bit of a problem because it was very tiring! Oh well, the girls had fun and I had fun and Shelly said she got a lot done so overall I think it was a productive afternoon over there!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sad Roadtrip

Josh's dads sister, Linda, which makes her his aunt was put into ICU two weeks ago. She is diabetic and so she has had a few health issues throughout the years. My mom told me that she had a kidney transplant a while back. Now she needed another kidney transplant as well as open heart surgery. She was on dialysis 4 times a day and a ventilator. It was pretty scary to hear. She was flown to Pittsburgh from Erie to have the surgery there. She had the open heart surgery. Everything seemed to go really well. They were surprised at how well and how quickly she was recovering. They moved her out of ICU and she seemed to be out of the woods. Then last night they sat her up and apparently her heart stopped, they were unable to start it again and she passed away. I definitely want to make the trip for the funeral. No arrangements have been made yet so I'm not sure exactly when I'll be going. It looks like I may be making the trip by myself. I've driven the whole thing before but I've never been the only one in the car. It will be a little scary. Today my whole mission is to get my car completely ready for the trip. It's possible that my mom will come and then we can take her car but if she can't I need mine to be ready. I got new tires put on and they broke one of the lug nuts so I need that replaced before I get on the road. John is getting that part today and can do that for me. He will also be changing my oil today. I just bought a compressor for the car because it needs a new one for the air conditioner to work. It doesn't look like we'll have time to get that on so it will be a hot trip.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I haven't written in a few days so you'd think I'd have tons to say. Really, I don't have much to say at all. Let's see....On Sunday I went to John's softball game and ended up playing, even though my sunburn still hurt pretty badly. It wasn't too bad. It was incredibly hot though and being in the hot makes the burn sting even more. It was good to be active though. The burn still hurts a little and it's definitely still red but it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did in the beginning. Sunday night I went to Tasha's and swam for a little bit. The cool water felt so nice on the burn. We didn't stay in there for a long time though because it was dark so we actually got kind of cold. Plus it was a busy busy night for a friend that also came and we had a lot to talk about with her. I stayed at Tasha's but we didn't get much sleep. We had to be up super early Monday morning too cause she had somewhere to go and wanted me to go with her. I went even though I was exhausted. When we got back to her house we decided to go back to sleep but that plan failed. It seemed like if her phone wasn't ringing then mine was. Someone literally called every 5 mins or so. The phones finally stopped and we got some sleep but it was getting kind of late in the day. I went home to shower and get ready for the day and before I knew it it was almost 4:00pm. I went to Kim's house to pick up my mom who had been borrowing their car. Then I took my mom to Bales so that she could get a loaner car. Thankfully Kim let her borrow theirs for the weekend since Bales was already closed. My mom just bought her car and has already had so many problems with it. Luckily they are taking care of it and have been able to provide her with loaner cars but its been quite a mess. Hopefully the problem is minor. They attach these boxes in the car and when a payment is due the box will flash red to let you know how many days you have to pay it. Once you pay it they give you a code to type into the box. If you don't make your payment on time then the box disables your car, not allowing you to start it. There haven't been any lapses in payment but we think and hope the problem is just that the box is malfunctioning. There doesn't appear to be any problems with the car except when she tries to start it it did absolutely nothing. She had someone look at it though just to give her an idea and they didn't find anything but looked at the wiring of the box and said its very possible that that is the problem. Hopefully they will know something soon and she can get her car back. Then Monday night I went to another softball game! After that John and I went out to eat with Matt and Tasha. We went to Denny's and although our waitress was extremely rude and paid no attention to us, the food was pretty good, or maybe I was just that hungry. Then we played the wii for a while. We said we weren't going to talk about this but I find it pretty humorous....We played an archery game and the girls kicked butt! I won the first game and Tasha was 2nd and then Tasha won the 2nd game and I was 2nd. Then we played a figure skating game! It was my idea just because I was so curious how you would figure skate with the wii. There are little cirlces on the ice that you follow and every circle you hit gives you more points. You use a joystick to guide you. Then there are some bigger circles and when you reach those you pull up on your wii remote and if your timing is right then you do some kind of trick. It was pretty funny to watch. The funniest part though, the boys owned the girls! A manly sport like archery and the girls take the cake but figure skating and the boys dominated. Looks like I had a few things to say after all.
Oh, and the job search continues with little progress!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Lot Sore

Today John had a softball tournament and like the loving girlfriend that I am I went to cheer on the team. It was kinda cloudy this morning at 11am when we got there but it was HOTT, yes I used two t's to stress the hottness! I thought about sunscreen while we were on our way there but we didn't really have time to stop. I figured that someone there would have some to share. None of the moms with their kids were there to watch, probably because it was so hot. Since the sun wasn't even really out it just slipped my mind a little. I have red hair and very fair skin though so it was very foolish of me to forget that! Now, I look like a lobster!!!!! This is seriously the most painful sun burn that I have ever had. I felt bad for the people around me because I'm sure I was like a heater to them, the way the heat just radiated off my legs. My legs are the worst of it. It hurts in my joints everytime I move. When I got home I was so sweaty, acky, and exhausted. First thing I did was take a shower and it was very painful!!! I don't do cold showers well but the hot was so painful. I wanted cold water on my legs and hot water on my head! haha The shower was nice and refreshing, although painful. Then I put some aloe lotion on to take away some of the sting. It hasn't really helped though. I hate putting that stuff on because then I feel like I need another shower to wash it off and make me clean again. Right now my hair is still in a towel because I am too exhausted to do anything with it. Everyone told me to put vinegar on it and that would help take some sting out. I'm kind of desperate so I may try it, even though I can't stand vinegar or the smell. Plus I'm a little afraid that it will burn a lot. I'm pretty sure I will go to sleep tonight having done nothing to my hair after my shower and I'm pretty sure that I will not wake up early enough to do anything with it. AND I DON'T CARE! The sun is just so draining and I was in it all day so thats a lot of drainage. I think my bed is calling my name right now. Yes, yes it is!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Little Sore

Today was pretty much the typical Thursday. I slept in as late as I could before realizing I was just laying in bed and not actually sleeping. I got up and took a shower and straightened my hair. I watched some yep, it was the typical Thursday, boring, not much to do. Later on I went to papaws with John. It was so hot and I hadn't eaten much so I got pretty dizzy and light headed. I went to Burger King and ate a ton!!!!! Then I felt much better. Next thing we did is typical for almost everyday...John's softball game. I went to WATCH and like most times they asked me to play. Luckily I had some sweats and a t-shirt in the car and I always keep kleats in John's bag. I usually find out that they need me to play like 2 mins before the game starts so I never have time to stretch. I may be young but I tell you what, I still get sore! I guess I need to start stretching at every game just in case they need me to play. Anyway, even though I pretty much suck its actually kind of fun. It's about the only exercise that I get so I enjoy that. I watch the game so much since I grew up at the ball park watching Josh and now I watch John almost everyday. I know the rules and what to do, I can pick out players and the things that they are doing right or wrong, but for some reason that doesn't translate to me! I do have to admit that secretly I enjoy it though, I guess just because its such a big part of what I do that its nice to play a little. Of course it would be nicer if I was better at it, but maybe one day I'll get better. At least it's fun. Now I'm home and just chilling. I borrowed BB's season of Friday Night Lights. I watched some of the episodes and got kinda hooked. Tonight I plan to lounge around and watch the rest of the season.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I stayed up way too late last night working on this new blog thing. In return I slept in way too late! To compensate for that I decided to get a few things accomplished. My mom was at work with my car since her's isn't working at the moment. I couldn't leave to do the errands that I needed so I cleaned. It's my moms birthday today so I figured the least I could do was clean up a few things. I cranked up the radio and really got a lot done. You probably wouldn't even notice but I even got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed the kitchen floor. There were some sticky spots so I scrubbed. I got the stuff on the outside cleaned, meaning the kitchen, living room, and dining room. My room is still another story. I've been doing so well lately at keeping my room pretty clean. While my family was in town my grandma and her boyfriend brought John's birthday present. My grandma's boyfriend made him a set of cornhole boards. They're actually very nice, blue and white, Colt's colors with Colt's stickers on them. John's a huge Colt's fan so he loved them. The only problem, they're HUGE! They are all regulation so they don't bend in the middle like a lot of them do for easy transportation. They won't fit in John's car and they won't fit in mine so they've been stuck in my room. John's roomate has a truck and is supposed to come pick them up soon. I can't wait until he does so I can have my room back. Then I think I'll care a little bit more about keeping it organized.
Anyway, another productive thing I did today was upload photos. My friends and family kept wondering when I was going to put pictures from graduation up so today I got my graduation photos loaded to my facebook and myspace. Check them out. Some are pretty funny!!!!!

In The Beginning

Alright, if every one of my posts starts off the way this one has I will never get anything written. I've already written and deleted almost ten beginning sentences. I've always worried so much about my school work and trying to do my best that I wanted this blog to be something that would reflect that. I tried to think of a poetic way to start the blog, or at least a beginning sentence that would make me sound really smart but all that did was stress me out. I thought blogs were supposed to be a place to relieve you of your stress, not cause more! I've already reread what I've written almost twenty times just to check for spelling or gramatical errors. This is going to be a blog about RELAXING! Sometimes I swear my brother got all the laid back genes and I'm stuck with all the stress genes. I'm going to use this blog to vent a little, talk about my stresses, and post whats going on so that I can keep in touch through this.
So, whats been going on with me lately, you ask?
I am currently jobless which has been wonderful and horrible. The wonderful aspects are that I don't have to wake up early, or stay up later than I want to compensate for the time of day I missed, and I don't have to miss out on anything going on because of schedule conflicts. Of course the main horrible aspect is that money continues to leave my bank account while none is going into it. I've applied a few places because the reality of real life and needs has hit me, as much as I'd like to ignore it and live in my fantasy world I have to be a little realistic. I feel like a lost puppy though. Searching for jobs is not something I'm accustomed to. I started working at Skip Jacks when I was 15 and I didn't search for that. It was the place all the youth at my church worked so when I was 15 and of legal age, it was my turn. I loved the work environment there! My boss was a wonderful christian and the people I worked with were all friends of mine. I stayed there for a long time because I grew so attached and never had a reason to leave. Another opportunity became available for me to babysit, the only other job I've ever known. I've been doing that for forever. While most kids still had babysitters I became one. The transition was not difficult at all because like I said, I knew it. I've had so many side babysitting jobs and have done some for entire summers. This seemed right up my alley. It turned out to be quite a dramatic change though. It was very early in the morning and I'm not really a morning person. At Skip Jacks my days were a little spread out and I usually got a couple days off during the week. The babysitting job was 6:45am-4:00pm Monday through Friday. That was actually pretty ideal for me though, or so I thought. I found that taking care of any business I had was difficult because it seemed most places I needed to be would close by the time I got off or shortly after. Some of the days could go by so slow because its the same thing every day. As the weather got nicer I could take the kids outside and that helped pass some time. The father of the family is a school teacher though and has the summer off though so it seemed time to move on. I asked my boss at Skip Jacks how they were doing and although he offered to give me some hours there I realized that they are doing quite fine. For me to take hours there would be to take them away from someone who wants them. I don't want to be the big bad wolf that walks in and takes some kids hours that is trying to save for his first car. I left for another opportunity and that wouldn't be fair of me. I've applied a few places but no luck so far. I'd like to stick with something during the day though which could be difficult to find. I'm finding that life as an "adult" is not all its cracked up to be. It's a little bit HARD! It was much easier when I had someone to tell me exactly what to do and when to do it. Now its up to me if I find time to apply and its up to me to find the places to apply...thats hard. And this is JUST THE BEGINNING!