Thursday, December 16, 2010

Turkey Noodle Casserole (with chicken)

The next recipe on the menu was Turkey Noodle Casserole...I'm just not a fan of turkey although I probably wouldn't be able to tell that much, nevertheless I opted to use chicken. Here's the thing about making subsitutions, and with other ingredients as well: some of the ingredients used are really hard to mesaure! It said to use a package of ground turkey (about 1 1/3lbs) but I used a rotissere chicken which doesn't come measured for you like that so it kinda became a guessing game. Another thing, the egg noddles...when I bought them they came in a 2lb package and I've used them for other recipes. Now I only needed 1/2lb which I would have been able to distinguish if the package were just opened but how do I know how much 1/2 of a lb of egg noodles is...I mean, I could weight a container, then add the noodles and subtract the weight of the container until I thought there was 1/2 but that seems a little extreme! I'm not so crazy that I measure everything perfectly but since I'm just starting this adventure I'm not too sure what is the right amount. Another thing I hate, a lot of times it just says salt this, or pepper that, or put some thyme...well how much??? I've decided that less is more! I don't use too much seasoning after learning the hard way! And if it's not salty enough for your taste, add more salt after its been cooked but I prefer to keep my sodium levels down! :)
Ok back this this specific recipe. The mixture (that is what Rachel called it) called for onion, chicken (well turkey), bacon which I omitted!, seasonings, and then dry white wine, chicken stock, and heavy cream. My mom said there was probably more chicken in there than 1 1/3 lbs so I could go a little heavy on some of the other ingredients so I did that...the wine was the first thing I put in and then all of a sudden ALL I could smell was wine! I added the stock and cream but when I did a taste test ALL I could taste was wine! (I don't like DRY wine!) I'm sure it was mostly in my head but once I had it in my head all I could smell and taste was the wine and I wasn't a fan! So then it became somewhat of a science experiment....more heavy cream went in, and then more heavy cream and then more chicken stock and then MORE chicken stock!!!! and then more nutmeg and then more garlic powder and then more thyme! hahahahaha Finally it got to the point where I could taste more than just the wine, but it was still all I smelled. When all was said and done after adding the baby swiss to the top and then bread crumbs and sticking in in the oven for a bit, it turned out pretty good. The cheese helped with some of the wine flavor that I thought overwhelmed mom said that she really liked it though, even before I added all the extra cream and chicken stock and spices. I have learned that alcohol doesn't always taste the best but people drink it for other why would you want to put this in your food! The alcohol cooks out and you're only left with the flavor which isn't good so it ruins your dish and then you don't even end up with a buzz! That is the silliest thing I've ever heard! Next time one of the dishes calls for wine, I will use it sparingly!
The dish turned out to be I'd say a 7/10 though. And it was pretty easy to make! (I'm a fan of anything that has egg noodles involved though, so this score may be partial but I think the love for egg noodles and the hate for dry wine balance out so it's fair.


Shelly said...

You're so funny! I do think you should grab a different cookbook though. Although this one didn't sound too bad.

lizzie said...

Sorry about the wine, I don't really use alcohol much in cooking either for the same reason, sometimes it works but most of the time I substitute broth or apple juice....