Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mega Meatball Pizza

Some people have already suggested that maybe I'm not doing the right cookbook, I'm really starting to agree! I should have done a bit more research before choosing a cookbook. To be honest, I liked the title and the idea that each dish was a different dinner meal. I also liked that it seemed like they would be simple, not too complex for a beginner like me...and the deciding factor was that the bookstore was closing and they asked me to leave and it was the best one I had found so far. The thing about this cookbook though is it seems to take simple ideas and give you a different way to do it but I don't know the original way to do it. For instance, the goulash was NOT a traditional recipe for goulash and I want the regular way to do it... the mac and cheese all were different variations which was cool but what about good ole regular mac and this mega meatball pizza.
It was good but not the typical pizza. First of all, it calls for store bought crust. I know I said I wanted simple but not that. So, it said bake the crust a little and while that is happening you make the top of the pizza...which was hamburger meat, tomato PASTE, onion and that was mostly it. Then after it was baked some you put that concoction on top, top it with cheese, and put it back in the oven til the cheese is done. Well, problem number 1 was that the crust only needed to be baked for 6-10 mins per the package directions so I definitely didn't need to do any prebaking. This just meant that the crust was a little too done. It wasn't burnt but it was pretty darn crispy. Also, there's no actual pizza sauce on this pizza. The tomato paste is really thick so it didn't have a "saucyness" to it. Overall, I ate it and liked it, but where's the normal pizza!!!!
This dinner also came with a side dish...Zesty Italian Popcorn.
It was popcorn and then you mix up a buttery sauce to go over it which was butter, oregano, crushed pepper and maybe one other thing. Well, I didn't care for it at all! It wasn't so disgusting that I had to spit it out, but just didn't see the point. First off, I can only handle so much popcorn before I can feel it just sitting in my stomach, definitely a snack food NOT something for dinner. The stuff that was over it was kind of overwhelming also. It didn't cover much of the popcorn, it only hit a few pieces but when you did get a piece with the sauce on it it was kinda overwhelming, especially taking a bite of a crushed red pepper!
So this whole meal gets a 6/10...this seems to be the average score. Not awful but not great. I want great! I want some regular stuff too! I'm gonna get my grandmas goulash recipe and try that one instead of Rachels!

This doesn't have to do with my little project but it does have to do with food so I figure this is a relevant place to talk about it. My study group wanted to have a little end of the semester dinner because we bonded as a group and won't all have classes again like this semester. They chose BD Mongolian Grill...if you know me at all you would know that I was not thrilled about this choice. I tried to talk them into Italian food but it was a no go. I decided to be adventurous and try it. The way it works is you get a bowl, pile in any meat you want, any noodles you want, any vegetables you want...all raw. Then you choose a sauce to go over it and keep that separate. There are grillers over a huge grill, you give them your bowl and they grill it then add the sauce so you get your very own personal stir fry. My bowl consisted of: chicken, noodles (normal noodles like spiral ones that you would find in a pasta salad), onion, and green peppers and I chose a teriyaki sauce. Kept it pretty simple! It wasn't very good though :( I don't know if it was the teriyaki sauce or what. The chicken was ok, I could eat it but the problem is I didn't put that much chicken in my bowl! The noodles with a teriyaki sauce was awful! The onions were ok, but who wants to just eat a bowl of onions, and then green peppers were cut kinda big so I don't know if they cooked all the way or what but just not a fan. I knew that I probably wouldn't be crazy about it though. I could have eaten more chicken with the teriyaki but I didn't want to pay to get a second bowl for something that was just ok. It was only 2 dollars for another bowl but it just didnt seem worth it to me. Here's the worst part about the whole thing: My bill was $22 just for myself!!!! (gratuity was included because of a large party) So it was $22 for food that I didn't like and when I left I was STARVING!!!! Hahah but it was fun and good company. I'm really gonna miss my study group! They helped keep me motivated to study and were really fun to get to know! Next time, I WILL BE PICKING THE RESTAURANT THOUGH!!! :)
P.s. I've heard other people that didn't care for the food their either so it might not be my pickiness, although that is probably a large factor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know you don't know me but Josh's granddad was my cousin. Anyway, after seeing your comments on the Steelers' game I went looking to see if you were related or a friend (??) and found your blog.

Just a thought on Mongolian BBQ - I'm not a picky eater by any definition and my first trip to a Mongolian place was in Chinatown in Washington, D. C. It was a really popular place and I was NOT impressed. Now, some years later, we found a place here in Raleigh that we go to all the time. Turns out that the cooks can be really help you to get the spices and sauces to your liking. The rest is just a matter of picking the meats and other stuff that you like. You oughta go back and don't be afraid to ask for some help - for $22 you should have a personal cook:). Not that there's anything wrong with Italian food ..... :)