Thursday, December 2, 2010

Last Macaroni!

It's been awhile since I've made any more recipes because I was really busy getting ready to go out of town for Thanksgiving and then I was out of town for a few days. First I'll catch everyone up about Thanksgiving. Well I woke up to get everything ready for PA on Wednesday before Thanksgiving with a pretty nasty cough. My head was stuffy, my throat was sore, and I couldn't quit coughing up a lung. I was pretty useless for the 9.5 hour car ride...which is usually 7.5 hours by the way. We hit a lot of traffic in Cincinnati, which almost made it tempting just to turn around! So my poor mom had to drive pretty much the whole way! I drove like the last hour since I was able to sleep for a lot of the ride. So, also because of my cough I didn't help too much with the Thanksgiving meal because I didn't want to share my sickness withe everyone. I did make one contribution though...I made a strawberry salad that I've been wanting to make! I got the recipe from Heather who brings it to church events and it's delicious! It was a pretty good hit too! It turned out great and everyone loved it!!!! The worst part, you have to chill it over night and I'm not good at stuff like that because I always want to eat it right away!
Then there was Thanksgiving which was wonderful!!!!! It involves 2 of my very favorite foods...stuffing and broccoli casserole! YUM!!!! Thanksgiving was GREAT! Being home with family was GREAT! The next day we went to this odd little restaurant for dinner. I have to confess I was NOT thrilled about it before I even got there. My gramma was telling some of the menu options and it sounded kinda weird. My mom however was excited because they had gyros. Anyway, we pull up and it's this little hole in the wall that I wasn't convinced had electricity and running water! But I decided to suck it up and go in. Ordered a philly cheesesteak sandwich which was pretty delicious! I ate the whole thing. Then we left and about 15 minutes later the sickness hit! As if I hadn't had enough from the cold already! I realized that something I ate hadn't agreed with me. I was up all night getting sick! Then the next day found out that my cousin and her friend who both also ordered the philly cheesesteak had also been getting sick. Looks like a small case of food poisoning! YUCK! So after being sick all night and getting absolutely NO sleep, it was time to get up and drive back home! I wasn't getting sick anymore but I was really weak and exhausted from no sleep, and very leery to eat anything. My poor mom had to do all the driving again! She probably thinks I'm the biggest faker ever just to get out of driving but I promise I was sick. It was pretty awful, I much rather would have been feeling good and helped drive.
Anyway I'm back to my normal self and back to the routine of work and school! Next week is finals and then I'm free for a bit!!!!
Ok, now recipe business!
I made another one of the macaroni dishes. This one used white sharp cheddar and added ground beef and red peppers. It was supposed to be a tex mex macaroni dish. It was good, I like ground beef in anything and I love cheese but I wouldn't call it tex mex. It was mostly just mac and cheese with meat in it haha. It was good though, like macaroni and cheese would be. It's more a side dish item though and not a full dinner and since it's just really a side dish I'm not sure if all the work is worth it. It's not a lot of work but it does require a lot of pots to be dirtied. One pot to cook the noodles, one skillet to brown the meet and red pepper and then one pot for the sauce! Plus whatever stirring utensils and plate/bowls to serve it! Sheesh! Luckily my mom did the dishes!.....Wow, writing this post sure does make me appreciate my mom!!!!
I'm glad the macaroni dishes are finished! I'm ready to move on to bigger and better things!!!! Stay tuned to see what's next, cause I'm not really sure what the next one is, but I'm excited!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Somebody needs to update their blog! I know you've made at least one more recipe!