Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Recipe #3 Goulash

I was excited for Goulash because I love it when my gramma or mom make it so I was hoping to be successful. I was so excited that I invited Shelly and her kids over to try this one. Of course I added toy story macaroni and cheese and grapes to the menu for the kiddos. So here's the sad part...the Goulsh was not good :(
I know Rachel is not a measurer so maybe she just guessed on how much spices she uses but it was WAY over seasoned. I'm the beginninger so I just followed Rachels directions. Next time I would use about 1/4 of the spices!!!! lol It wasn't spicy, hot or anything it was just overwhelmed with extra flavor that made it worse not better. The other big problem, this Goulash recipe did NOT call for tomatos or tomato sauce...I would have rather had a traditional goulash that I'm used to and then it would have been much better. It wasn't horrible, I ate it but it wasn't goulash...I'd give it a 6/10 because it has potential...with less spices and adding some tomato sauce.

 At least the night wasn't a total bust though because I had great company. The kids are always entertaining and tonight was no exception! The kids played dress up with my cowboy hat and boots, also my moms army boots and hat...and then just about every other pair of boots I have haha. It was very fun and very cute.


1 comment:

Shelly said...

Yeah, sorry it didn't turn out like goulash at all. Like I said, she's crazy! Lol! Glad the kids could entertain you for a bit though.