Monday, November 22, 2010

Recipe #4

Mac and Cheddar with Broccoli
This recipe is pretty straight forward. This was my first official "sauce" I've made from scratch and I have to say it turned out nicely. I used WAY less spices than called for though which was a good call! It called for dijon mustard which was a nice touch to the cheese was quite delicious!
So Rachel says that the serving size is for 4 people and it was just me and my mom, and I've noticed her portion size must be HUGE because I could serve 8 with the recipes I've been cooking. So this time I cut everything in half since it's just me and my mom but still what should have been 2 servings was more like 4-6!
The next few recipes coming up are also variations of mac and cheese which I'm not too excited about but I'm committed to this project. Although I do have a confession, I plan to skip the last mac and cheese dish. Its a smoky chipotle mac and cheese with a lot of hot spices and some kind of hot sausage also, not a fan of hot food. Tomorrow I plan to make the next 2 dishes...mac and smoked gouda with cauliflower...I don't like cauliflower and I'm pretty sure I won't like gouda cheese but I'm at least gonna try the noodles with the cheese and then give it to my mom and Liz to try. For me, I'll make this tex mex mac and cheedar so well see out of all of these which turns out the best. My vote is for #1 but you never know, I could be immensely suprised. The mac and cheedar with broccoli gets a 7/10. It was good, and the mustard in the sauce I really liked, but I just love Velveeta shells and cheese so I'm not sure that the extra work is worth it haha.
Tomorrow should be more entertaining. I knew this would be a boring dish to cook, eat, and write about...sorry guys.

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